Writing and Research Tips


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Back-to-School Necessities for the Graduate Student

25th August 2022

Summer is winding down and going back to school is on the horizon. If you have children, you’ve likely gotten their class lists and are stocking up on supplies – but what about you? Yes, you! Just because you're a graduate student, it doesn't mean you don't need any school supplies.

Is it Too Late to go to Graduate School?

25th August 2022

If you’re reading this blog, you might be in graduate school already, you might be thinking of applying to graduate school, or you might be in the process of doing so right now.

Choosing Credible Sources

25th August 2022

In this day and age, we are lucky to have a surplus of scholarly information at our fingertips. No more are the hours of paging through card catalogs or scrolling through microfiche.

Academics in the time of COVID-19

25th August 2022

If you attend an in-person undergraduate or graduate program, you most likely have been affected by school closures, due to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Self-Care During COVID-19

25th August 2022

It’s always important to practice self-care, but it is especially important during graduate school and while you’re working on your thesis or dissertation.

In the final stages of completing my thesis for my master’s degree, I was in search of an objective 'eye', a type of ‘coach’, who could unequivocally point out areas that needed addressing to enhance the overall presentation of the study. I discovered the Dissertation Editor online, who provided a Document Review and Consultation service. The consultation was with Dr. Nxxx, who, to my absolute delight, systematically and coherently remarked on the thesis draft and articulately presented commendations and recommendations. I believe that this process was worth the investment and I will definitely recommend the services of Thesis Editor to any post-graduate student.

- Natasha B.

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