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Chicago Manual of Style Formatting: The Basics

25th August 2022

An Introduction to The Chicago Manual of Style For those of you in the humanities, particularly in the fields of history and anthropology, you will eventually become an expert in citing sources according to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).

Chicago Manual of Style: An Introduction

25th August 2022

For those of you in the humanities, particularly in the fields of history and anthropology, you will eventually become an expert in citing sources according to the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS).

Formatting Friday #1: The Importance of Proper Formatting

25th August 2022

Welcome to our new blog series, Formatting Friday! Every Friday, we’ll be looking at a topic in formatting.

Formatting Friday: The Chicago Manual of Style

25th August 2022

Another one of the main types of formatting styles used by our clients is Chicago, or The Chicago Manual of Style, abbreviated as CMoS or CMS.

Having reviewed the work of Dr. Roda and his team, I have been very pleased with the results and confident that it has been a great benefit to our students.

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