Writing and Research Tips


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Thoughtful Thursday: Anxiety about Writing

25th August 2022

Anxiety during graduate school is normal, and a small amount of anxiety can actually be healthy. However, if it starts interfering with work, daily routine, or mood, it can be a sign of a problem.

Dissertation Research Tips: Choosing a Topic

25th August 2022

Some people go into their doctoral program with a clear idea of what they want to study and never waver from it; others have a vague sense of what they want their topic to be, and then fine-tune it; still others go in with some idea, and then end up focusing on a completely different topic altogether.

Thank you for you and your team's support in my final stages of finishing and polishing my doctoral dissertation. The timeliness, professionalism, and thoroughness of your team's work is extremely appreciated. Many thanks once again.

- Juan L.

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