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Thoughtful Thursday: Slowing Down

25th August 2022

The summertime invites a slower pace, bare feet, and lounging around, but when you’ve got a dissertation or thesis to finish, slowing down is the last thing you feel like doing! We understand that – but sometimes, even slowing down for part of each day can be beneficial to recharge your soul and “reboot” your motivation.

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25th August 2022

As we’ve mentioned previously, all work and no relaxation is never a good thing. Sometimes we need to step away from the writing and research for a few hours and do something fun: go for a walk, a swim, take a nap, volunteer – anything.

Thank you for you and your team's support in my final stages of finishing and polishing my doctoral dissertation. The timeliness, professionalism, and thoroughness of your team's work is extremely appreciated. Many thanks once again.

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