Writing a dissertation can be a long, lonely, difficult process. Dissertation writing is filled with highs and lows, exciting and dull stretches, moments of elation and despair. Mentors, like-minded peers, and relevant reading material (not only related to research, but to the writing process) are invaluable sources of advice and can help keep PhD students focused and sane. That is why Carleton University’s grad student blog recently assembled a brief list of the three best dissertation writing blogs—aside from this one!

The Thesis Whisperer: Dissertation Writing Insights, Tips, and Humor

This great blog is filled with short articles (“PhD students have to do a lot of reading so no posts will be longer than 1000 words”) written by PhD students for PhD students. The blog is edited by Dr. Inger Mewburn, director of research training at the Australian National University, and it is open to posts about the writing process, the struggles of being a PhD student, and more. This is a blog where a PhD student working on a dissertation can take a short break by reading an encouraging article written by students undergoing similar challenges. This blog also provides a list of many other PhD student blogs, which you can peruse here.

The Three Month Thesis: You Don’t Have to Write Your Dissertation This Quickly to Appreciate the Blog Posts

This Blog is run entirely by James Hayton, who completed his PhD in physics by writing his thesis in only 3 months. While this may seem too good to be true, Hayton’s blog is, at least, chock full of helpful tips about completing a PhD and writing a dissertation or thesis.

GradHacker: The Ultimate Hub for Graduate Student Advice

Although GradHacker recently moved to Inside Higher Ed (also a great website), it remains one of the best places to go for advice, tips, and discussion among fellow graduate students. Its collaborative blog is a great place for graduate students to share “stories, tips, and challenges” with each other. Like The Thesis Whisperer, this is a place that a graduate student can publish blog posts as well as read them.

read the full article here: http://gradstudents.carleton.ca/2014/three-best-dissertation-writing-blogs/


Dissertation Editing and Formatting Resources

Reading blogs written for, and by, PhD students can be a great way to help you remain motivated and encouraged with your dissertation, but there are other resources at least as important for the dissertation writing process. Because dissertations are judged so meticulously, it takes meticulous editing and formatting to ensure your dissertation ready for submission. We offer both of those services from a highly qualified team of PhD-level educated editors. Take a look at our helpful blog (hint: you are reading a blog post right now), but don’t neglect hiring a Thesis Editor or consultation for invaluable help with your dissertation. Contact us for a free dissertation consultation, today!
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