It’s National Library Week (4/19-4/25) – a time to celebrate the libraries in your life. Libraries serve the needs of their communities, whether it’s a busy undergrad university, a small charter school, a research institution, an inner-city neighborhood, or a graduate school. Libraries can offer so much more than just books: they have movies and audiobooks, they have classes and information sessions, they serve as community meeting spaces, they may have employment information and job-seeking assistance, and children’s storytimes, among other things.

If you attend a traditional, in-person graduate program, you’re probably familiar with the university’s library (or libraries) and hopefully have become well-acquainted with it. But even if you attend an online graduate program, your local library can be a wealth of information and a quiet place to study or do work.

Want to celebrate National Library Week? Here are some ideas:

Visit your local library! Go to your local library. If you don’t have one already, get a library card. Get your kids their own library cards. Talk with the librarians about all of the classes and programs the library has to offer. (Maybe even bring the librarians a treat!).

Discover library social media. Follow your local or school libraries on social media and check out the American Library Association (ALA) account on Instagram at @americanlibraryassociation. Search different hashtags to learn about other libraries far and near. Go to I Love Libraries and learn about how you can support libraries. 

If you have kids, go to the local library storytime. It will get everyone out of the house, the kids will hear a story, and best of all, it’s free! They might even meet a new friend or two.

Spread the word. Libraries are great places and community hubs – and too many people have an outdated idea of libraries as places that only house books and nothing else. Spread the word about your local library and what libraries have done for you. At a time when public and national funding of libraries is in a precarious state, working to ensure that libraries remain accessible is key.

Here at Thesis Editor, we’re big fans of libraries – we loved them as graduate students and we use them now, for both ourselves and our families! We’re also here to help you achieve your goals, both academic and professional. We offer a range of services and would be happy to speak with you about them to see how we can help you get to where you want to be. Contact us today to learn more!

< Self-Care During COVID-19 EndNote: An Introduction >

Tagged under: General Dissertation   Graduate School   Scholarly Writing   libraries   research  

I cannot sing the praises of Thesis Editor highly enough.

I am a third year PhD student and I had been struggling for months with my quantitative analysis (both running and interpreting my tests). Any support I had sought out from my institution ended up leaving me more confused than when I arrived. I came across Thesis Editor whilst I was searching online for some stats help, and I am so thankful that I did.

If like I was, you are struggling with an aspect of your PhD, perhaps do not seem to be able to get the help you need from your institution or outside, you will not regret using Thesis Editor.

Dawn, the Director, was absolutely brilliant from beginning to end. I was contacted promptly after my initial enquiry, and there was a very quick turnaround to which a quote was given after assessing my work. I was then assigned a statistitian, Dr Musicha, and received extremely comprehensive feedback within one week. This was then followed by a 1-hour consultation. My consultation with Dr Musicha was nothing less than phenomenal. Honestly I cannot even put into words how much I gained in the hour together. He not only helped me built my knowledge but practically had me share my screen and walked me through my challenges on SPSS so I had a thorough understanding - something that has not been done with my university throughout my PhD. I was taught more in that hour about my quant stats than I have by anyone else. He was also just so kind, and encouraging and really boosted my confidence.

Using Thesis Editor has been an invaluable investment, and I can only thank Dawn and Dr Musicha so dearly.

- Beth

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